Tuesday 9 December 2014

No skill needed hollandaise

It really works. I think the theory is this : you want to just cook your egg at about 70C or so and at the same time use the egg to emulsify the incoming oil. So what you do is pour in butter at about 100C  and the temp drops just nice when it hits the egg. 

It works for my handheld blender and my glass measuring cup. I put in the raw egg yolk, pinch of salt, teaspoon water, and a teaspoon of vinegar. I start the blender, and one or two seconds later pour in a little of the hot butter and then slightly faster several seconds later. Move your blend up and down a bit to make sure all the bits are mixed. Done in 40 secs!!

I also found this : two-minute-mayonnaise.html 

For mayonnaise, I think that the basic traditional method is still useful to know. You can make mayonnaise anywhere with nothing special other than a bowl and fork (if your hand is vigorous enough).  For the hollandaise, you need to assemble a water bath and deal with mixing and cooking at the same time, so this method may still be useful albeit hollandaise does not travel very well.

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