Monday 5 January 2015

Whistler trip 3

We had après ski (beer and pizza) with the ski school class. After that i did a dinner while Mw rested.

Steak with red wine sauce and a vegetable soup.

The steak (one was enough for 2!) was seared on both sides, then cooked slowly in a 80C (the lowest it would go) oven till the meat internal temp hit 62C. Then I made a rough sauce by frying chopped onions in the pan, then adding a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, a glass of red wine, pepper and salt and reducing it down. The steak was pretty tender and just nicely cooked.

The veg soup is diced onions, bell pepper, celery, garlic, and 2 ginger slices, fried till fragrant. Then i added cooked bacon, diced potatoes, thyme, mushrooms, tomato slices and water.  Just before serving I added Bok Choy and briefly boiled it.

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