Saturday 17 January 2015

Whistler trip 16

Had a bunch of people over today (7). Did a roasted pork shoulder, a frittata, a beef bourguignon , a rice dish (tomatos, basil and corn) and a salad.

The pork shoulder I've done before, but today I wanted to try the capability of the apt's oven to go to 550F to do the pork crackling (instead of broiling it, which is my custom). Instead the intense heat started burning the fond below the pork shoulder. The resultant smoke caused the fire alarm to go off! Had to open doors and windows to clear the smoke. I think if I were to do this again, I would just insert the pork shoulder with a clean tray. Or else just use the broiler (which is only top heat).

Threw together a frittata from bell peppers, brocolli, onions and tomatoes. With flavoring from lemon juice and zest, and parmesean.

The beef stew was done fairly classic french style. Just this once, I took the meat out at the end and used a blender to liquefy the stewing vegs. Got a nice thick liquid to go with the beef.


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