Thursday 1 January 2015

Whistler trip 1

We are staying a few days in Vancouver followed by 3 weeks in whistler. I plan to cook most dinners.

Our vancouver apt has a nice oven which I cannot use! There are no oven trays. So I'm left with 4 electric heater coils, 2 non stick fry pans and 2 non stick pots. Thankfully, the coils are quite powerful.

On arrival in day 1, I did a quickie pork rib soup, rice and lap cheong omelette. No photos and nothing special except I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the cooked rice done without a rice cooker.

For the record, cook rice with about 1.25 to 1.5 times its volume of water at high heat until water is at a rolling boil. Then lower the heat to a simmer (transfer pot to unheated coil/gas ring if neceassary), and cover for about 15 mins. Then remove from heat and let it sit for at least 10 mins.

Day 2. Seared 1.5 to 2 in pork chops at high heat, then simmered in a concocted sauce until done inside. Accompanied by rice, boiled broccoli, carrots, and the sweetest corn I've ever tasted. The sauce was chopped tomatoes cooked down in thyme, garlic and oil, then fluid added in the form of Greek yogurt plus salt, pepper and sugar to taste then reduced over medium heat (seperate reduction was unnecessary because of the longish simmer time of the pork - I had to add a bit of water)

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