Monday 28 July 2014

Kiam Chye Ark (Pickled Mustard Greens Duck Soup)

This turned out quite nicely. mw and I finished most of the soup.

I had the entire center carcass of a whole duck (i.e. without the wings/thighs). I took it out while semi-thawed and removed the skin (easier to remove). I then blanched it in boiling water and then put it in a pressure cooker with 200g of well washed kiam chye (15 minutes with 3-4 changes of water), 2 tomatoes, 4 pieces of garlic, 2 small thumbs of young ginger (sliced), a small handful of peppercorn and 1.5 sour plums. Pressure cooked for 25 minutes in my new electric pressure cooker.

The duck meat was still just tender, providing some chewiness.

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