Friday 9 September 2016

Ang Mo Hae Mee

The star attraction was the prawn stock.

I bought pretty fresh large prawns, peeled the shells and used it to make prawn stock as follows
1. heat oil in a pot and then fry fennel seeds for a few minutes at medium heat
2. Add the prawn shells, turn the heat up and fry until fragrant.
3. Add vegetables (diced one small onion, 2 stalks celery and a little leek) and saute until translucent.
4. Add garlic and saute a bit more.
5. Add water to just barely cover ingredients. Add some thyme and dried kelp and then bring to a boil.
6. Lower the heat to a bare simmer and simmer for 40 mins.
7. filter out the resultant stock.

To cook pasta,
1. Cook the prawns in the prawn stock till just barely cooked.
2. saute garlic in pan with olive oil.
2. add cooked pasta and stir around for a while.
3. Add the prawn stock with the prawns and simmer for a minute.
4. serve with fish roe, sliced sun dried tomatoes and seeweed.

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