Wednesday 29 March 2017

Sort of a buta kakuni

A loose version of this Japanese fav. The only commonality is the pork and the use of sake, and soya sauce in the braising fluid.

Braising fluid :
1. 3 cups homemade chicken stock
2. half cup or so of sake
3. 2 tablespoons soya sauce + 2 tablespoons sugar
4. 3 cloves garlic
5. generous dash of fish sauce (recommended by serious eats to add umami to meat braises)
6. Had some scallop powder, so added to the mix.
7. Boil the lot together (missed out ginger - did not have it on hand. Did not seem to be missed)

Braise the pork belly for about 4 hours at around 90C.

Take out meat. Put aside.

Cook cabbage and potatoes in braising fluid till done. Reassemble with meat (sliced).

I think it was fairly nice.

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