Sunday 12 March 2017

First attempt at yam cake

I think its a decent first try.

1 piece of Thai yam reduced to about 500g of small dice plus 200g of rice flour, about 40g dried mushrooms (soaked, pressed and sliced), 40g dried shrimp (soaked, pressed, and sliced), about 3 lap Cheong (small dice), one small onion, and scallop powder.

First, fried the lap Cheong to render the fat. Took it out, added to the yam and then sauted the onions till soft and added all to the diced yam. Then fried the sliced mushrooms and dried shimp, and added it to the yam. Add about 1 teaspoon of 5 spice to the yam mix. Add about 400g of water + soaking liquid from shrimp/mushrooms + scallop powder (abt a tablespoon) + soya sauce + dash of fish sauce. Bring to boil and scrape the wok. Add in the flour and stir until no lumps left. Add the fluid to the yam mix and mix well. If this is a little dry, add some boiling water a little at a time.

The water is an estimate.

Ladle the lot into a oven safe dish, flatten it down. Sprinkle with Japanese dried shrimp (Sakura prawn). Steam for 40 mins. In my case, turns out the cake was a little wet. So I popped it into a 160C oven for 15 mins.

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