Monday 28 September 2015

Seafood stew

Used the salmon bones from the other day plus extra from prawn shells and crayfish to make stock in pressure cooker (20 mins with celery, fennel, peppercorns, bay leaf, carrots and garlic)

Then made the soup. Mirepoix first with some cumin (mom didn't like that), more pepper corns, thyme, fresh cut tumeric roots, more fennel, mirrin, thyme,  plum tomatoes and then fish stock.

Did the fish in this order mackerel, salmon, prawns then crayfish/clams. For the clams bring to boiling and then turn off heat.

Result is ok, not great. I've done better with a more classical style (no cumin or tumeric. Have anchovies). Didn't taste the tumeric at all - the mild ginger taste may have been lost)

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