Tuesday 7 April 2015

weekday dinner using the homemade ricotta

I put the homemade ricotta, parmesan, cherry tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, toasted pine nuts and chiffonaded basil into a bowl. Then I boiled the fusilli and in the last 30 seconds, added frozen peas. I then took the hot mixture and mixed it into the cheesy mixture with some salt and pepper.

One mistake, I usually boil pasta and leave the last one minute to combine in a fry pan to fry with the ingredients. In this case, I did not add heat, but just mixed the pasta with the cool ingredients - hence the last minute of cooking did not take place. So the pasta was undercooked. mw suggested a save, which involved steaming the pasta - it worked. Next time, cook pasta till package instructions for this style.

Taste was good but needs adjustment : use a bit less cheese (too cheesy for our taste though it tastes similar to the amount of cheese we've had in Italy before), more pine nuts and more cherry tomatoes.

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