Monday 9 March 2015

This week is sandwich week #1

I declare this week to be sandwich week. More to follow later.

Bread was a bit dense and tough (though tasty). The bread was my usual recipe without rise and with sesame seeds. Sandwich ingredients were pretty nice :
  1. spread of home made mayo (slightly more lemony).
  2. small sprinkle of finely chopped raw onion.
  3. salad leaves + sliced cherry tomatoes.
  4. smoked salmon.
I also made another variation of my pumpkin puree from leftover pumpkin. This time, I caramelized less of the pumpkin, then just added salt, cinnamon and lemon juice (to taste) and mashed it by hand (instead of blending to a smooth  puree). Mw declared this to be tasty as well. Basically this variation is not so "desserty" and more savory.

Topped off with a salad with dressing from pre made sesame dressing and ground pepper. Note to self : leave dressing till last minute - the leaves were soggy and compressed by lunch time.

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