Friday 18 April 2014

Third attempt at pasta (Tortellini)

mw says I should have been less ambitious. She's right.

I spent a few hours turning out a batch of ricotta filled tortellini.

Lesson 1. My geometry is very poor. I think I need some kind of cutter to cut equal sized squares. I ended up with many different sizes of tortellini.

Lesson 2. I didn't manage a very thin skin. It tended to break. I ended up with the last but one thickness.

Lesson 3. You really should have very little filling. Don't be tempted to put more.

Lesson 4. Even if your pasta is not a perfect square, never fear, just fold as usual and then fold the excess in.

Lesson 5. Very fiddly. Flour your fingers well. Also use the entire length of your fingers to press down and seal the sides. Anyway, I got faster later on - it takes practice.

Lesson 6. It would go faster if I had more space as I would be able to produce more sheet area at one go and lay it out.

The final dinner was not bad, principally due to the sauce, which was my regular tomato sauce + dollop of yogurt + 3 slices of pan fried bacon.

My pasta roller on the left.

My initial efforts. Very odd shapes.
Laying ricotta on the squares.
One of the later batches. I am doing this a lot faster, but still irregularly shaped.

The finished pasta dish.

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