Sunday 13 April 2014

Second attempt at pasta (Lasagna)

Tasted pretty good actually, alas not because of the pasta. Bought a pasta machine (not pictured).

I used about 500g of meat (with some leftover) mixed beef and pork belly. Enough for dinner + a hefty lunch during the week. The pasta was a bit too firm (possibly because I still insisted on using a half and half mix of bread flour and AP flour with some semolina. Next time I just do pure AP flour.

For the inside, (which tastes nice), I tried for a lighter version of lasagna. For the bechamel (white sauce), I used a mix of 2/3 greek yogurt and 1/3 djion mustard. I also layered a bit less meat sauce and less cheese (mozarella and parmesean). For the herbs, I had wan sui, rosemary, cinnamon and fresh fennel.

Anyway, overall very fragrant and tasty and not as heavy as lasagna eaten outside. I might try for a less firm pasta sheet and slightly more meat sauce (to make it more wet) next time.

The ball of dough. Only very slightly stick and smooth. About 10 mins kneading. The trick is to just decide how many eggs to use and then add flour until we get this texture. Overall roughly 3 eggs per 2 cups of flour (but it will depend on your flour and your eggs).

Browning the meat. Contains about 1/2 beef and 1/2 pork. The pork is pork belly (no skin) plus some bacon.

After browning the meat, take it out. Then stir fry carrots, fennel, and onions under moderate meat. When translucent, add garlic and rosemary. Fry a little more then add the tomato paste and carmelize it a little.

My home made tomato sauce (made last week). Its a easy to make tomato sauce that involves use of canning technique. Today, I just took it out from freezer, defrosted and then blended it. I don't think i've documented it in this blog. Maybe later...

Finished sheets of pasta (I did until last but one thickness).

One layer (total 3 food layers and 4 pasta layers). This layer has dots of the bechamel substitute. Later I just brushed the sauce first on the sheets before putting the tomato sauce.

Layer with cheese added (mozzarella and Parmesan).

Just before cooking.

Finished product with steamed broccoli (with dots of butter and pepper mixed into veg immediately after steaming).

A cross section. I think I probably under did the meat sauce a little (but just a little!)

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