Monday 24 March 2014

4th try at baguette

Getting there.....

Texture is pretty good (though ugly). It has a crunch on the outside and chewy inside. I sprayed a bunch of water on the silpat before putting it inside the steam filled oven.

The taste inside is better, due to sitting in the fridge for 2 days (allows yeast to do its thing for flavor).

Inside, still no big holes, but I've researched it and I think I know why. More on the next installment.

I might get better shape and probably helps with the holes (though not the main cause) if I used bread flour. Yes, I have been using AP flour all this time! Incremental changes to allow me to see the effects.

Breakfast with the result

The one above is off the same batch of dough only baked one day later. Shape is nicer now.

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