Saturday 31 August 2013

French style chocolate cake

There's no flour in this. Easy recipe. Saw it on French Food At Home Seaon 1 episode 1.

End result: I find it decadently delicious taste wise. Texturally speaking, it was a bit too crumbly - perhaps bake a little longer or more eggs? Or perhaps I should not have used the scalloped springform dish (pieces just stuck to the bottom or the sides).

Instead of serving with ice cream, French Food At Home served it with whipped cream and raspberries.

Just equal amounts of dark chocolate (70% recommended) and butter. Melt and mix over a bain marie with 2/3 to 3/4 cup sugar (and any other flavoring - i used a bit of instant coffee and cinnammon). Then mix it into beaten eggs (4 eggs for 200g of chocolate).

Initial melted chocolate

Stirring in the lumps of butter

Adding the melted mixture to the eggs a little at a time and mixing it so as not to cook the eggs.

The mixture in the springform mould. French Cooking at home says to optionally sieve to remove lumps. I didn't.

Now waiting for it to bake (45-50 mins at 190 C). A bit nervous. Made the stupid mistake of forgetting that the chocolate should be unsweetened. But I did add less sugar than normal (regular recipes call for 1 cup) so maybe it will balance out.

Here it is with a dusting of sugar on top (I know I said I was afraid its too sweet but it really looks much nicer white on black.

After note. Ate with raspberries very nice

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