Sunday 30 June 2013

Tomato soup and a meatless dinner

Today I prepared a big load of tomato soup - most of it to be frozen for weekday lunches. Here are the  ingredients.

22 tomatoes 6 bell peppers 4 carrots, one big fennel, 2 onions, coriander, bay leaves, thyme.not pictured salt, pepper, a bit of chicken stock, and some sugar (to offset some sourness). The fennel, onions, and carrots are for the mirepoix. The peppers to be roasted. 

Word of warning: do not add a lot of fluid as the veg will cook down and produce fluid. I used about 500ml on this lot.

Here's the result (2 hours in oven at 120C, then purée the lot).

Here's the full dinner

Btw, my left over baked sweet potatoes from before taste great with the Pinot noir.

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