Saturday 4 May 2013

A vegetable puree to die for

Made an interesting discovery today.

I had 2 small parsnips, 1 tomato, 1 small brocolli, 3 small carrots. All of them slightly not so fresh, but I wanted to use them up.

So I got some fresh fennel from the supermarket (seems that we grow Fennel very near to home - Thailand). I chopped up all the vegetables, mixed with powered thyme, pepper, salt, dried rosemary and olive oil. I roasted the veg (except brocolli) in the oven at 200C for 20 minutes, then tossed in the brocolli for another 20 minutes. Then I pureed  the result in my blender with a half and half mix of veg stock and milk, adding some lemon juice.

The result is a very aromatic smelling and tasting puree, with a slight hint of tart from the tomato and lemon juice with a very long finish on the tongue. The parsnips seem to add a slightly nutty dimension as well. Lovely!

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