Wednesday 13 March 2019

Thermal Cooker #5 Chicken thigh and sausage cabbage soup

This tastes a lot better than effort #1, which is also a tomato based dish. Instead of using all tomato, I used 2/3 tomato and 1/3 chicken stock. Also, the cabbage + herbs sweetened the soup (can I find the herbs on the caravan trail? Hmmm). There's also a bit of cooking before boiling, which I think helps because it rendered out the spicy sausage oil.

3/4 of large can of tomato sauce, a 250ml of chicken stock, 1 small head cabbage (chopped coarsely), 1 carrot sliced, 4 garlic cloves (whole), 1 medium onion sliced, 2 chorizo sausage (or something that is spicy), 2 small chicken thighs, 7-10 leaves of basil, 2 stalks of wan sui.

In the pot, stir fry sliced sausage with a bit of olive oil until starting to brown and oil has rendered out of the sausage. Pour in sliced onions and saute until soft. Then layer cabbage, chicken, cabbage and pour the stock + tomato sauce over. Top up with water, but not too much because the cabbage will shrink when cooked (so just below the top of the cabbage).

Bring to boil and keep it there for about 10 mins, with last 5 mins with lid on. Insert into cooker.


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