Tuesday 5 March 2019

Thermal Cooker #1. Sausage and Bean stew and rice

This is the first of posts on my experiment with the Thermal Cooking Pot (from Shuttle Chef)

We bought a new Thermal Cooker. It came with a free smaller version. And we already had one. So that makes 3. A 3, 1.8 and 1.5 litre pot.

The purpose of this is to experiment with "no fuss" cooking. Something with barely any effort and can be thrown together with minimal equipment. This is in preparation for our future jaunts in camping. Many people have apparently raved about this appliance for camping - it saves on gas, and you can prepare it in the morning and return to a hot meal in the evening.

Here's the first effort.

Assemble one can of cannelloni beans, one can of tomato, half a large onion (sliced), 3 small whole pieces of garlic, bunch of thyme, a few slices of celery and carrots, and 3 sliced chorizo sausages.

Put the whole bunch in the pot, bring to a boil and keep it boiling for about 7-10 mins, last few with lid over. Then insert into outer container. Prep in the morning. Eat in the evening after work.


Pros: Easy to prepare. No sweating of veg, no browning of meat, minimal cutting, no tomato sauce concentration, no smells etc.

Cons (not really a con): the sauce was a bit one dimensional. Overall taste is just decent. Can do again.

Rice was cooked in the smallest container. Half a cup thai rice plus 1.25 times the volume in water. Bring water to boil, reduce heat and cook another 10 mins with lid on. Insert into outer pot. Rice turned out ok even after approximately 10 hours in the pot.


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