Thursday 9 August 2018

Potato something or other.

This is the first time I'm trying something like this and its surprisingly tasty. It was from some odds and ends I had.

I had 2 chorizo sausage and some marinated minced pork from a previous project in the freezer. Also had potatoes on hand, as well as a small amount of vegetable soup.

I browned sliced sausage in the pan, then took it out.

I sliced one yellow onion and one stalk of leek. Sauted it in a pan with a teaspoon of fennel. 

I took the lot out, then fried the minced meat at high heat until cooked, stirring well. Then I added back all the other ingredients and large diced potato from about 5 potatoes plus a small amount of vegetable soup. Pushed the lot into a 200C oven for about 40 minutes or so or until the potatoes were tender.

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