Thursday 9 August 2018

Chana Shorba

mw had this soup at a buffet and she liked it. So I tried to replicate it.

Turns out that the internet has as many recipes for this as there are search results.... almost.

And none of them pureed their chickpeas like mw had in her buffet.  So I winged it a little.

It was quite nice.

  1. Fry slices of one yellow onion (with sliced leeks from one stalk) in a little oil, with about a tablespoon of cumin seed, very slowly to caramelise it, spraying water from a spritzer as necessary to keep it from charring up, until well browned.
  2. Add this to about 1 knob ginger, 1 knob fresh tumeric 1 teaspoon powered tumeric, 4 cloves garlic, a few shakes of chilli flakes, about half a tablespoon or more of pepper, 2 tablespoons yoghurt, 3 tablespoons tomato paste, sliced bits of 1 fresh tomato, generous shake of dried coriander, 1 kaffir lime leaf. Then blend the lot finely.
  3. Fry the blended mix for about 10-15 minutes at medium heat. This is the marsala.
  4. Add 2 cans of pre-cooked garbanzo beans (chickpeas) with their fluid. Add a bit more chicken stock or water, bring to boil and simmer for about 15 minutes. Add salt to taste.
  5. Put the lot into a blender and puree the soup. 
  6. Put it back in the pot, add a little water if necessary to make it less thick.

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