Tuesday 5 May 2015

Cranberry pine nut creme fraiche loaf

This was delicious. I'd want to try to repeat this. There was the nutty input from the pine nuts and a sweet tart savory cranberry (soaked in diluted brandy) with a creme fraiche/honey/butter mix folded in to make a very moist, almost cake like (but still slightly chewy) interior. The dough is 1/3 wholemeal and 2/3 bread flour. It's also my first time applying a glaze - seems to make a nice looking skin.

Only problem was composition. The bottom of the loaf tore a little. And some of the pine nuts weren't firmly embedded and came off.

For future, I'd make the dough a little drier to compensate for the wet ingredients, and do a better job of shaping and embedding the nuts. Not sure why the bread stuck though.

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