Sunday 21 July 2013

First attempt at otah

Result : very savoury but texture is too liquid and should cut back on salt if I use otak udang again.  I packed too much into the banana leaves and the otah just burst out. Could also have added even more vinegar - too cautious coz its not in recipes but it offsets the otak udang nicely.

Chili paste : 20g dried chili, 10 buah Keras, 4 small onions, large thumb of galangal, 2 thumbs of tumeric plus a dash more of he powder, 3 lemon grass (core stem only), tblspn of coriander powder. And.... (Heresy) A small can (12g) of otak udang otherwise known as he gou - basically like balacan but sweeter. I was too lazy to go and get some as I couldn't find it on the shelf, but it seems to serve well (but must remember to omit salt and sugar which most recipes call for). Also added a teaspoon and a little of apple cider vinegar (to offset the sweetness).

Blend the chili paste to a smooth paste and then fry in veg oil for about 15-20 mins till very fragrant, stirring to avoid burning.

Then when cooled, mix with 500g fish and (here's another deviation), 100ml of coconut cream and the chiffonated kaffir leaves (5) and one egg. I should have added corn starch at this stage (maybe 3 tablespoons).

Banana leaf courtesy of the banana tree below my father in laws flat. I had too few leaves and I guess I packed too much in causing the burst. I put some in my leftover puff pastry as well.

Had the puff pastry later with a glass of Pouilly Fuisse - nice. The otah in the banana leaves looks ugly but still tasty.

The chili paste is nice by itself - a basic recipe that I might be able to use in other dishes.

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