Friday, 26 December 2014

Barley and Lentil Pork rib stew

Doesn't look like much, but its quite nice. I prepared this for tomorrow - hopefully even more delicious tomorrow. The ribs are falling off the bone after a 3.5 hour stew at 100C.

Addendum : 3.5 hours might be a bit too long : the meat may need more bite to it. As it is, it is a bit too tender. Perhaps check for doneness at the 2.5 to 3 hour mark. 

This is pork rib stew, thickened naturally with barley and lentils. So I guess you could call it barley and lentil pork rib stew.

  1. In dutch oven, brown all the ribs at high heat. This is about 1.3kg of pork ribs (bone in).
  2. with all the ribs done and out of dutch oven, fry a small amount of bacon. When bacon browns, lift out and add to the ribs.
  3. Add mirepoix and fry at medium heat for some minutes and then add garlic slices. The mirepoix in this case is : 1 onion, 2 carrots, 1 celery stick and 1/3 stem of large leek sliced finely.
  4. Fry with garlic for a bit more, then add some white wine and use it to deglaze bottom of pot.
  5. When the wine is dried up, add 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste. Fry this till paste caramelizes.
  6. Add back the meat. Add one can of tomato dice with most of the fluid. Add water to just slightly cover the meat. Add remaining white wine (in total I used about 200ml).
  7. Add spices : several thyme stalks + 2 wan sui roots tied together. 4 more whole garlic cloves. 3 medium bay leaves. Add some salt (not too much - can adjust later).
  8. Add a handful each of lentils and barley (they will expand).
  9. Bring pot just to a boil. Then insert into preheated oven at about 100-110C.
  10. Leave it there for 3.5 hours (less if the pork ribs are small - mine are fairly large).
  11. Taste for seasoning and adjust salt if necessary. Remove thyme, bay leaves. Leave to cool (if keeping it for overnight).

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