Wednesday 27 June 2018

Seafood Minestrone with fried fish fillet

The inspiration was loosely Gordon Ramsey's seafood minestrone with salmon.Only I did it with 0.5kg of venus clams and 0.5kg of the smaller clams and an approximately 1 kg red tilapia.

Fairly pleased with this one. Hence the detailed record.

1. The fish was bought for $8. I filleted it into 4 portions, and set the fish bones aside.

2. The clams for about $4.80.

3. In a large pot, toast a generous handful of dried fennel. Then add a mirepoix of sliced onion, carrots and sliced celery.

4. Saute for a while until fragrant, then add garlic (about 4 cloves sliced).

5. Turn to high heat. Add the fish bones and stir it around till fragrant.

6. Add a generous dollop of white wine and let it boil. Then add about a litre of water, boil. Then add the clams. Squeeze a medium lime into it, and add the lime flesh and all.

7. When clams start to open, pick them out of the stock. Let the remainder simmer for another 20 mins or so.

8. Remove the clam meat and refrigerate.

9. When the stock is done, sieve it to get the semi-clear stock.

10. step 1-9 can be done ahead of time.

11. Prepare a minestrone mix. In my case, frozen green peas, frozen corn kernels, frozen brocolli, some shredded wong bok, diced bell pepper, halved cherry tomatoes, and small sliced celery. Squeeze more lime juice to taste.

12. Bring the stock back to the boil, add the minestrone mix, and noodles. Boil till noodles are soft.

13. When stock is done, turn off heat and add back the clam meat.

14. For the fish fillets, dry comprehensively with paper towels, then salt both sides, keeping skin side up. When sweat beads the skin from the salt, wipe it down with a paper towel. Score the skin (longitudinally - head to tail). Heat pan to high heat, lower fish fillets. After a short while turn heat down to medium high and cook until skin is browned (approx 6-7 mins). Turn over and briefly cook the other side.

15. To serve, ladle noodle soup into dishes. Grind black pepper. Then layer fish fillets over. Squeeze more lime juice over the fish.

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