Sunday 19 June 2016

Mushroom soup redux

Redid this old favourite. Pretty nice this time. Used 5 pkts of mushrooms and will serve 4 moderate appetites (with bread).

1. I had 5 pkts assorted mushrooms: portobello, shitake, oyster, swiss browns.
2. Set aside some shitake mushrooms. For the rest, slice them up and mix with melted butter/olive oil, pepper, oregano and thyme in the oven pan. Set aside the stems as well.
3. Put the sliced mushrooms into a 200C oven and roast about 20+ mins until mushrooms are shrunken and browned.
4. In the mean time, on stove top, saute 1 onion + half a leek until translucent. Add generous amount of sliced garlic and continue saute'ing a few minutes more. Add about 4 tablespoons of flour and stir into veg until it disappears.
5. In a cloth bag or similar, add the reserved stems and chicken stock (about 4 cups). Also added some dried chinese mushrooms.
6. simmer for about 30 mins. Then remove the mushroom stems and dried mushrooms.
7. In a blender, add the roasted mushrooms and just enough stock to cover. Blend in batches till all done and pour back into another pot.
8. Add salt, pepper and creme fraiche to taste.
9. Add a bit more water or stock if too thick.
10. Slice the set aside mushrooms and put into soup and cook for a few mins.

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