Wednesday 15 June 2016

Bread glorious bread

My baguette is improving though still not there. My goal is to make good baguettes but without the insane amount of work and care that some people put into their baguettes.

Also trying a new bread. Flaxseed powder, sunflower seeds in a bread flour/wholemeal mix with pumpkin seeds on top.

Current baguette method.
1.water 70% by weight of flour, 1% yeast, 2% salt and bread flour.
2. In a mixer, put in water and yeast and then spoon in flour/salt with the motor running.
3. Mix for 2-3 mins until the flour just forms a (sticky) ball.
4. Put the dough into a container. Spray water all over dough and container and then cover it.
5. Wait for 4-5 days.
6. Take out dough, cut into suitable pieces.
7. Do a stretch and fold.
8. rest for 20-30 mins or so (dough is cold).
9. time permitting, do another gentle stretch and fold and rest again.
10. At the last time, stretch and fold the very wet dough into a rough shape.
11. wait for about an hour or so until dough gets a slightly puffed up look. Dough should be somewhat elastic.
12. 20 mins before bake, heat oven to 250C with steam injection.
13. Just before putting into oven, slash bread. Give it one last spray of water.
14. Bake in oven till well browned.
15. Open oven door for for about 5 mins but leave bread inside.

1. Bread flour about 1/2 by weight. Whole wheat another 1/4 or so. Rest is flaxseed meal and sunflower seeds.
2. 2% salt, 10-12% maple syrup, 2% yeast, 15-17% butter, 65% milk.
3. Pour milk, syrup and yeast into mixer. Mix for a while till well mixed.
4. Spoon in dry ingredients.
5. Put in the butter (cold).
6. Mix for about 15-17 mins.
7. Put the dough into a covered container and keep in fridge overnight.
8. Punch down dough and do a stretch and fold.
9. wait for 20-30 mins.
10. Form into shapes. Bake in 190C oven till browned or internal temp is 195F or so.
11. Open oven door and leave bread in oven for a few mins.

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