Saturday 5 March 2016

Chicken soup with gnocchi

Did a chicken soup with gnocchi that I made and froze earlier. Photos unprepossessing but taste is good.

The nutmeg in the gnocchi was immediately noticeable esp when eaten at a lower temp (ie cool the soup a little)

Sauted celery, carrots, onions and oregano. Then added garlic later and then home made chicken stock with barley and potatoes. Added thyme and boiled the lot for a few minutes. Then added chicken thighs, brought to a boil again and then put it into a low heat oven  for 1 hour.

To serve, reheat then take the chicken out and put it on a bed of mw's home brewed sprouts. Boil the soup and added the frozen gnocchi. Cooked till done and then ladle over.

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