Monday 8 February 2016

Ugly but tasty chestnut steamed buns

The buns were not terribly good looking, but taste nice. Next time, I will be less ambitious in trying to get a really thin skin and lots of filling. Also, I'd knead the dough a bit more to try to make it more "stretchy".

I bought some unsweetened chestnut puree. Then caramelized some sugar with lemon juice in a small pot and then mixed the puree in. I added a bit more sugar and lemon juice to taste. 

The dough was basically my standard soft bread dough plus 0.5% by weight of baking soda and baking power respectively. I also added some lemon essence oil to the milk - just enough to taste the essence. 

I put the filling into 25g dough and made them into balls, and steamed the result for 18 mins. I then froze the lot and re-steamed it for reunion dinner the next day.

The resulting taste is nice (mw gives it a thumbs up. I think the family at the reunion dinner liked it). But the dough collapsed a bit in some places and in other places, the dough was too thin - resulting in it bursting out of the pau. It has the savouryness of the chestnut, but lightened by the lemon juice and lemon essence in the bread. It has a good mouth feel.

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