Monday 16 September 2013

Orange Liqueur - Limoncello Style

I'm making a Orange Liqueur, using a Limoncello recipe (i.e. Orange zest instead of Lemons). I'm hoping to use it in another chocolate cake.

I'm using a canning jar. Put in about 250ml of vodka.

Was supposed to zest without the white pith. Unfortunately I used mandarin oranges with very thin skin.

Finally did it with some large oranges with thicker skins. I still had to run my knife over the remaining pith on the zest though.

Now to wait one week. To be continued.

Slightly more than 1 week later. Boiled a cup of water with 3/4 cup sugar for 15 mins then added to the vodka (strained) after cooling. 

Now to wait another 2 weeks.

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