Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Thermal Cooker #2. Green Curry Soup aka Spicy Chicken Soup

This was made with a packet of commercial green curry paste, then diluted with plain yoghurt and milk to taste. This was deliberate since I had coconut milk and kaffir lime leaf - the point was to simulate what is available during camping. Then I dropped some french beans, cherry tomatos and frozen veg in together with 2 small chicken thighs

1. We returned late in the evening. So it had a 12 hour cook - a rather extreme duration.
2. The mixture measured at 53C when I opened it. So 12 hours is basically max. 10 hours better.
3. Some veg just can't stand the long cook - the french beans in this case.
4. Surprisingly edible, just don't think of it as "green curry", but as a spicy chicken soup.

Result: Pass for camping. Might want to look for a better brand of green curry paste.


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