Did a 3 layer terrine consisting of mashed cannellini beans (white), brocolli (green) and carrots (red).
Taste : good (except the bean layer). Looks : so-so.
Lessons learnt.
1. I need a deeper terrine dish. The layers were too thin and tended to run into each other.
2. I did not use egg as binder simply because I forgot to buy. I think eggs are essential for the binding (unless I use a larger amount of cheese and/or cream). The terrine was very delicate even after overnight setting.
3. Need to taste the ginger/carrot mix to make sure the ginger is not too overwhelming.
4. Have a broad spoon or spatula handy to handle the slices.
The beans were soaked overnight, then cooked 15 mins in a pressure cooker with water and sage. Then mashed in blender with a little bit of truffle flakes (canned) and some heavy cream and parmesean cheese (for the binding and some liquid). Add as little water as you think will get the blender going
The brocolli was chopped into medium pieces, and blanched for 3 mins in boiling water until it turned intense green, then cooled and dried in a salad spinner. It was mixed with parmesean and heavy cream, a small bunch of fresh wansui (coriander), and juice from one thai lime. Add a bit of water if necessary for the blending.
The carrots were similarly blanched and then blended with fresh grated ginger (a good thumb) and a little bit of coconut cream.
Carefully spoon the mixture in layers into the non stick loaf tin. Cover the top with cling film and then bake in a water bath at 180C for 40 mins. Then remove the cling film for another 20-25 mins and continue baking until the top feels somewhat firm.
Take out, and let cool. When cool enough, cover the top with wax paper, and then weight down the top with something heavy (used sharpening stone and blind bake ceramic pebbles). Refridgerate overnight.
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