Saturday 27 October 2018

Foccacia first attempt

Not too bad. This could be a foundation of a savory carb for a party of people. 500g makes quite a bit of bread. 200g is probably a minimum.

Next time, I'll use a slightly less hot oven and take it out when it is slightly less brown this time. I might also use more water/oil because I was a little afraid it was too much. Basically it turned out a bit more crispy crust than I like. I might also use AP flour.

1. Make the dough. 80% hydration inclusive of 3 tablespoons of good olive oil in the water. 2% yeast, 2% salt. About a tablespoon of sugar and 500g bread flour. Knead about 10 minutes and put in fridge overnight.

2. Take out dough. It may already have doubled in the fridge. If not, leave on counter top until it does.

3. Punch down dough. Spread it flat (maybe 5 mm thick) on a very well oiled (olive oil) pan.

4. Let it rise until about double in size.

5. Using 2-3 fingers, press down the dough until almost down to surface without puncturing it, until you get big dimples all over.

6. Wait again - maybe 30-40 mins this time. Start the oven (used 230C, next time will go for 210C).

7. Scatter rosemary bits over.

8. Mix about 1/4 cup water + 1/4 cup good olive oil in a jar. Shake vigorously to turn it to an emulsion. Then, with the help of a spoon to scatter the fluid more evenly, pour it over the dough.

9. Bake until golden.

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