Saturday 20 January 2018

Stuffed peppers

Saw a bunch of small bell peppers being sold in NTUC. Was tempted to do stuffed peppers.

Filling is (from memory): minced pork, toasted whole fennel/cumin, pepper salt/fish sauce, a little soup stock, dash of sesame oil, a little oil from frying dried prawns (did not use the prawns), fried garlic, wan sui, spring onions, finely chopped shitake mushrooms, one egg, dash of sake and sweet wine. Hey, and the kitchen sink too.

Slow roasted about 40 mins at 95C (monitored internal temp till about 78C). Then cranked the oven to grill.

Result, very tender and sweet bell peppers with a savory fill. Worth repeating. Had a lot of excess which I froze - I expect they are easily gently reheated with little effect.

Note for next time:
1. filling is difficult as the peppers are small (many of the peppers weren't fully filled. Find a tool or use last finger next time.

2. Stuck the caps on, but it tends to fall out. If I'm serious about presentation, will need to find a way to keep the caps on. The fill is sticky, but not sticky enough (brush egg white around cap and run a torch very briefly over to seal the cap?).

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