Monday 18 December 2017

Kueh Salat First attempt

I tried doing a kueh for the first time - this is a kueh salat. Tastes ok, but nothing like the sublime concoction I ate the other day at a function. The main difference being the wobbly texture of the top custard layer. Well... there's always another time.

I adapted a recipe from

What's the difference? Well, the most visible difference is lack of bunga telang
(this gives the distinctive blue color streaking the glutinous rice base). First I did not know where to get it, and second, I figured I would leave it out for the first try as not significantly affecting the taste of a first time preparation. Another significant difference is using coconut cream and not milk.

Other differences. The recipe does not mention sieving of the warm custard prior to laying on top of the rice. I did it - otherwise there'd be lumps. Instead of just adding in flour, I first did a roux (I was doubtful of just adding in the raw flour into a non-oil based liquid) with butter and flour and put it in (however, it probably did thicken it a bit too much). I did not bother with the multi-step procedure for the rice - I simply steamed it for 25 mins with a coconut cream and water mix in a separate container, then added it in, tamped it down and steamed for another 5.

  • I think I followed the quantities given, but I still ended up with a slightly too thin top layer.
  • The top layer is over cooked. First, probably because the thin layer was too thin and the cooking time is shorter. Second, I was using my thermometer to check on it, but I forgot to set the alarm - by the time I got to it, it had hit 83C - too hot.
  • I think I needn't thicken the custard that much before adding it in. A mild thickening would have done.

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