Saturday 25 November 2017

Stir fried garlic prawn

From vague memory, I think might be similar to an Italian dish. Anyway....

1. I used the salmon belly rendered oil left over from my previous dish.
2. Heat pan till hot. Maintain high heat.
3. Drop in a generous handful of chopped garlic and quickly fry.
4. When garlic starts to look it might brown, drop in the prawns. Add in salt and chilli flakes.
5. Vigourously stir fry prawn, flipping the saute pan to avoid bruising the prawns.
6. When prawns are fully colored, fry several seconds more. Then squeeze in a generous squeeze of lemon juice.
7. Drop coriander on top, mix a bit. Then serve.

This dish was a hit, not sure how much was due to the use of the salmon belly rendered oil from step 1.

For #1, probably can just use regular oil with a high smoke point. Probably can experiment with dressing the prawns with a spritz of extra virgin olive oil after it leaves the pan.

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