Saturday 12 November 2016

First attempt at hot smoked salmon

Can be improved. Logging attempt here.

1. Dry brine salmon overnight. Then wash and dry and leave it in the fridge for a few hours.
2. Light some hickory chips in a metal container. Then place in a wok.
3. Put the salmon on a up turned metal plate (next time use a grate) and place it in wok above chips.
4. Cover wok. Seal edges with wet towels.
5. Turn heat on high till air temp inside wok is about 70-80C
6. Smoke till inside of fish is 57C. Take out and immediately refrigerate.

Result. Salmon is lightly smoked and flesh is just right. Think the cooking method is about right, but I used too little smoke. Tastes nice however. It is possible more smoking is not indicated. Will try again next time.

I used the flaked flesh in a salad with Creme Faiche for the dressing. Not liking it too much - I think I prefer vinegrette. I shall try that next time.

In summary, next time, more smoke, vinegrette as dressing. I may also add sliced beets for the fresh taste and texture.

After note: this much salmon is about good for light lunch for 2. Or starter portion for 6-8.

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