Thursday 11 August 2016

Savory Onion custard

Not sure what to call this really. It's sort of a cross between a Frittata and a crustless Quiche. Kind of made it up using a bit of kitchen science.

It tastes quite nice, is inexpensive, and is very moist inside, but browned outside.

1. For this size dish, I used 6 eggs + 3 tablespoons greek yoghurt. Mix it together with a bit of milk, salt and pepper.

2. Slice one medium onion. On fry pan, saute the onions slowly in a butter/oil mix till they are soft, but not browned.

3. Butter the round pan.

4. When onions are done, pour into the pan and spread everything out evenly. Then pour the egg mixture over it.

5. Place into an oven with steam injection at 70-80C (alternative : use water bath) and slowly bring the egg mixture temperature up to about 65C. This is so that the entire mixture is just short of curdling.

6. Remove pan, and spread a generous amount of grated Parmesan cheese on the top.

7. Re-insert pan into a 190C oven with broiler turned on and bake till the top is brown and egg mix is no longer bubbling up.

8. Take out and cool before cutting.

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