Monday 18 July 2016

"Air fried" French fries

This is my first attempt at producing this. Can use as part of my armament for feeding the nephews and nieces with something familiar yet reasonably not unhealthy.

Cut into fry shapes (not very good but I'll improve). Then steam on a grate for 8 mins to par cook. Take out and cool slightly letting some water evaporate. Then insert into a 260C oven with forced convection for about 8 mins till they brown. Remove from oven and spritz with a fine spray of Apple cider vinegar, then drop them into a bowl and dust with a little salt.

Result isn't pretty, and it doesn't have the look of deep fried fries, but it does taste very "Essence of potato" with the vinegar and salt balancing it. Next time I will cut potato into even logs, steam for 9 mins instead of 8.

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