Wednesday 25 May 2016

Potato leek soup from scraps

I used 4 potatoes, garlic, and one leek. 

But I also had some spare cabbage, carrot, cucumber, Wan Sui, celery, mushroom, and thyme. Also a little bit of home brew chicken stock. So I used it all to make this soup. Chop up and sauté all veg with some dried oregano till soft and fragrant. Then add stock and diced potatoes. Top up with just enough water to cover and add the thyme and Wan Sui. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 mins covered. Then take out herbs and blend in a blender. Add the blended soup back and then add chopped mushrooms and cook till mushrooms are done. Salt to taste. I squeezed some limes to add a slight touch of acidity.

Tastes not too bad for me personally, but I think the leek taste might be slightly strong for some. Tomorrow having it for lunch with home made baguettes.


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