Sunday 13 December 2015

French style steamed clams

well.... sort of. As usual, I riffed on the theme. This dish is worth repeating if you have fresh clams (or mussels), so I'm documenting a little bit more detail this time.

The clams (1kg) were given the sea water treatment for 4-5 hours with ice cubes in the water.

Then I sauted a medium onion slowly with a pinch of dried fennel (this proved to be a winner in the final taste), wan sui root, some wan sui leaves, and garlic. I then poured about 1/2 to 1 cup (who's counting when you are pouring it in) of a cheap (can you say 2 for $25?) sweetish Italian sparking (no. not prosecco) and an equivalent amount of chicken stock and boiled it down a little. Just for kicks, I added a cubed potato and sliced carrots (they tasted nice later, but mw says they detract from presentation - just the clams would do) and cooked it a bit more.

I put the clams into a steamer and steamed over the stock. About 4 mins later, the first of the clams started to open. For the next 4-5 mins, I removed the cover,  and removed opened clams. Finally all the clams were out.

I then put a chunk of unsalted butter, and a big handful of chopped wan sui and briefly boiled the stock again.  Salt is added. I then poured the lot over the clams.

The last pic is the ugly one with the diced potatoes getting into the photo (but man were they tasty). 

1 kg is a bit much for 2. I also had a steamed fish (not pictured coz I only thought to take a photo when its halfway eated), some veg, a bit of rice and a hunk of baguette.

The surprisingly drinkable cheap Italian.

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