Sunday 16 February 2014

Schizophrenic Dinner

I had a frozen duck carcass leftover from my roast duck lunch last week. I decided to make use of it but I became schizophrenic. The soup had kiam chye (abt 200g), sour plum, tomatoes, duck bones (whole duck) but no duck meat. Instead I put in pork ribs.

I might as well have made bak kut teh. The soup was nice enough but no real duck essence as I might have guessed haha. MW said the taste was fairly balanced though.

The pork ribs were nice - extremely tender, fall off the bone type, but not falling apart. After the soup was basically done, I blanched the ribs, and then put it in the pot. I then put the pot in the oven at 100C, set the timer for 90 minutes and went to Yoga. Came back 2 hours later.

Yu Tiao. Bought from Food Court, then I popped it in the oven toaster. Quite nice when freshened this way.

The original soup pot. After that, I took the ribs out and sieved the soup.

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