This method appears to work. Might even want to try a 6.5 minute boil for even more tender result.
1. Bring a pot of water to a furious boil.
2. Insert egg or eggs (but not too many to cool the boil down) into water. I used 60g eggs.
3. Keep water at a rolling boil for 7 minutes.
4. At a about the 4 minute mark, tap each egg in the pot just enough to crack the shell very slightly (or take the egg out and drop it on the countertop and put it back)
5. At the 7 minute mark, take eggs out and plunge into ice cold water for about a minute.
6. Peel.
Point 4 is about making the egg easier to peel smoothly. The original advice was to tap the egg before putting it into the water, but I found that it caused leak of egg albumin and if you tapped too much, the heat gets inside the egg and cooks the yolk. Much better to wait until some solid egg white has formed, then to tap the egg - this causes hot water to seep into the crack and cause the shell to separate a little.